If you really want to know the basics of good nutrition, looking for information on nutrition books. It would not hurt to buy some for your personal use. It is essential that you have enough information to understand what your body needs to function properly. Otherwise would mean that the majority of your efforts would be futile.
You can often hear the experts say that sports nutrition has a 50% importance to getting results. We are not supporters to talk about percentages, because they do not reflect the true importance of good nutrition. The truth is that if you train with dedication, even resting as needed and not provide the body with the nutrients and substances that you spend with daily activity, not only failed to progress, if not you can experience a setback in your fitness.
progress control of the diet
Once designed the diet is normal that we ask what effect. According to some experts in the bodybuilding nutrition claim that it takes at least 21 days so you can see in our physical with some clarity or partial changes we have made to a diet. Something more definition or muscle tone may indicate quite reliable.
How do I know if my diet is right for me?
Use the following references: easy digestion, no gastrointestinal discomfort, general feeling of well being, feeling energy and appetite at regular intervals. With regard to the total calorie reference to follow the principle is the body weight. The goal is to adjust the calories in such a way that the body weight just get up, after going to the bathroom and fasting, remain constant. Do not worry if at first your body weight fluctuates a lot, is normal.
As you adjust the calories you'll see how it stabilizes. Once you've managed to keep a stable weight for a period not less than one week you're ready to begin to manipulate your body. It only remains to decide whether to increase or decrease weight. In any case, the gains or losses must always be reasonable and not make the mistake to put on a diet down and remove input 500 calories.
Handling nutrient quantity needed for a healthy body.
To lose weight
1.Si part of a diet rich in fat decreases the nutrient up first reach minimum of 0.5 g (per day) per kg of body weight and secondly by reducing carbohydrates to where needed. Note that the amount of protein should never be lower than that established from the outset. Therefore as we reduce the amount of carbohydrate-rich foods also contain protein we put food rich in protein and contain no carbohydrates (chicken, turkey, fish, egg white, horse).
2.Si part of a diet low in fat, carbohydrates HANDICAPPED.
We recommend to decrease about 50 cal. each time, so weight loss is about 500 g per week although this figure may vary depending on several factors: initial body weight, body measurements developments, changes in physical appearance, ability to maintain the weights in training, chemical aids and type of metabolism. To control the process is essential to weigh yourself before and after each meal because you can adjust to our changing needs calories daily. The same procedure will continue to gain weight but in this case instead of removing the add calories.
To gain weight
1. If We eat a lot first increased carbohydrate to a point that we can not eat more, then more fats. Weight gain should reach a point where you consider that you are storing too much fat and muscle your progress has stalled.
2.Si are probably eating little full before us and have to rely almost input to a diet high in fat. If you're going to spend much time eating high amounts of fat should be monitored certain indices such as blood pressure, cholesterol (LDL and HDL) and triglycerides. Remember that the total fat, one third should being saturated (animal) and two thirds unsaturated (vegetable origin).
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