Today's topic is for show a hard time losing weight because even with effective diets and habeces not work because we do not see quick results as everyone expected.
This is the result of poor nutrition that we have today, the human digestive system has been designed to ingesting food cierto cierto y ingredients, sin embargo los ingredients hoy en día los utilize modern food processes y han been chemically altered and its composition is far from the food that are naturally designed for us When we eat these foods synthesized, separated and refined creates an imbalance in our body chaos.
generates not only obesity but many diseases including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer and other less serious constipation and headache, there are several types of fattening foods and ingredients causing the fat we eat is directly vallan , our body fat stores.
these foods trigger the insulin rapidly absorbed in our body and generating a signal fat storage hormone.
Other foods are synthetic derivatives that isolate a component, and also cause an imbalance in our body.
The problem is that modern food culture is not based on nutrition studies, if not , tastes and customs.
food pyramid as presented in the school was originally a representation of what currently takes place in power of the average person is not really what we eat.
eating these foods is not only fatten the cause of the problem is we do not eat ; the right foods that feed us and give us health.
But today world is upside down, we are consuming mostly unhealthy food, fattening foods, which ; cause diseases and have drawn from our diets entirely of these foods I describe healthy and I recommend that you eat.
if you want to see and hear it in this topic I invite you to do , click this video
diets are not effective because people are failing
diets are not effective because people are failing
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