Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Much Does A Flatbed Cost?

CHA GIO (or my Rolls Vietnamese)

few days I've been talking about the Vietnamese rolls, and many people have left comments explaining how difficult it I had been handling the rice paper, to avoid being broken, or prevent, once in the pan, explode or burn.

is true that they are more delicate than Chinese scrolls, which the paper is brittle and fragile, and sometimes you get desperate and send everything to hell.

But the truth is that they are so good, and are so versatile, it's worth learning a few tips that will help us a lot. Here we go ...

To handle rice paper have to have on hand the following;

1 bowl of warm water with a tablespoon of sugar dissolved. Large enough to hold a wafer without bending. The water used to soften the rice paper and to work. The dissolved sugar to frying makes are more crispy rolls.

1 clean kitchen towel.

1 large plate bending rolls.

1 large dish to accommodate rolls ready.

and fill-up.

started doing rolls;

The first step to do is to soften the paper to be folded around the filling. Remember that paper is a thin and very brittle parchment. To give the texture you wish you dive into the water a few seconds. The time depends on thickness of paper and water temperature. A less thick and less time will need a higher temperature. The other day I employed about 7-8 seconds.

We take the role of water and put it over the cloth, drying briefly. Then put it over the plate where we work.

At this point the role and must have become malleable enough to work well. I say that the "parchment" is now a soft and ductile scum. If it costs you is that you bend slightly softened. So back into the water. Note that this is a matter of practice and get the hang. Try many times you may need until you realize the particular time you need "your role."

Once softened, it's time to fill. What you can do exactly like a Chinese spring roll. Only one thing is important, and must not leave bubbles in the interior, because it burst while frying. Remember also that the rolls are self-sealing, so do not need them egg you apply, or anything to close them.

As you finish filling the cha gio can leave them in another dish, seam side down. It is important not to touch each other, because otherwise they would stick.

And it's time to fry ... Here are 3 simple but basic tricks;

1 - The most important thing is to use a large skillet, so that the rolls do not touch them frying. If not stick to each other and break.

2 - By putting the cha gio in the pan Put seam side down.

3 - is essential fry over medium-low, thus will not burst or black in an instant. You must be patient and let the rolls are browned slowly until they pick a pretty color.

Filling Ingredients ;

200 gr. pork
75 gr. peeled and chopped shrimp
grated carrot ½ -1
1 teaspoon fish sauce
egg ½
25 gr. of cellophane noodles soaked, drained and sliced \u200b\u200b
3 ears of wood soaked in boiling water and chopped (the wood ear fungus are of Chinese origin. To use these should be soaked in boiling water a few minutes. After they Hard Core and chop. We will give a point crispy rolls.)
siitake 3 mushrooms soaked in boiling water and chopped
chopped chives Salt
Black Pepper

Cha Gio To wrap ,

washed lettuce leaves
grated carrot sticks or
cucumber into sticks

Fresh Mint Sauce Nuoc Cham


Mix all filling ingredients in a bowl and mix well. If possible hand, to have a compact and homogeneous paste.

Fill wafers as I said, taking care of ceñirlos well and prevent bubbles remain.

Freídlos by batches, over medium-low. Remove and drain on paper towels.

to eat;

Gather a lettuce leaf and put up a little carrot, cucumber and mint leaves. Above this "bed" to accommodate a roll, cerradlo, dip it in Nuoc Cham sauce and ... to eat! You will see that good!


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