Saturday, January 9, 2010

Custom Cars Midnight Club La


A year ago I was over 100 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. A dog sledge and a snowy pine forest under a sun shy.

Alex must stop. That said.

And then Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, again Thailand, Cambodia again and finally Bangkok Burma.

Alex must stop.

Homecoming. Just a few days because in July in the Pyrenees was working in a kitchen.

Alex must stop. Then came centroamerica

. 7 weeks between Costa Rica and Panama.

Stop, stop, stop ...

And I went to Nepal. I climbed 5000 meters and came back.

Paré? No, what I decided to spend Christmas in Finland, back on January 4 and 7 to leave Sri Lanka with a group.

And Alex had not stopped on its own initiative decided to stop his fate.

So the New Year's Day had a wonderful and enlightening accident. Could be serious, but fortunately they stayed in a super sore back and a timely awareness. Thanks

sled. Thank accident. I have set here and now.

Ah, it all comes to mind because today are 2 years since the birth of this blog. I look forward very much time at the bottom of this trench humble and peaceful.

Thanks to everyone s heart that you visit me often or accidentally. And thousands of thank every wonderful person who gives me feedback.

will follow.

Thank Bohoma Stutti, Donyebat, Terimakasi, Camon, Nandri ...

Psdt; Sometimes one is lucky enough to cross in life with siblings. That kind of people who take one of a frozen pool and smiling through gritted teeth. Thanks folks.


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